About Us
Linda C. Hothem, Owner
Linda Hothem has been in the property management business for more than 40 years.
In 1987, Linda and her late husband, Ronald Hothem, started PACAM - a logistics company that operated the Oakland Foreign Trade Zone. After running PACAM for 21 years, it was sold to Matson Global Distribution Services in 2008.
In 2009 the San Francisco Business Times awarded Linda Most Influential Women in Business. She has a Master of Arts Degree in Organizational Development from the University of San Francisco. A Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from the Middlebury Institute in Monterey, and a Certificate of Hispanic Studies from the University of Barcelona.
Francis Meynard, President
With over 40 years of service with the company, Francis Meynard is a seasoned executive with a successful background in financial management within the commercial real estate and distribution industries. As Pacific American Group’s President, he is responsible for corporate finance, including: treasury, cash management, financial planning, reporting, and accounting, business strategy and portfolio management. Francis’ experience includes leadership in multidivisional operations with a solid knowledge of strategic planning, treasury, tax, business development, profitability and cost improvement, acquisitions and dispositions.
Our Field Team
Often on a first name basis with our clients, our field team is quick, responsive and reliable. We are on call 24/7-365 days a year to help meet the needs our tenants efficiently and effectively.
Our Headquarters
Located in historic Sausalito, California, our headquarters is close to restaurants, shops and major city services.